Tips to Colour Your Hair Naturally


Colouring the hair is a great way if one wants to update their look and want to get a proper make over. This can have a great impact on both the look and the personality of an individual. But one has to make sure that the colour they choose, one should end up looking good in that.

One may have a query that if burgundy hair colour on black natural hair can look good or not but this depends on a lot of factors. Not only skin complexions but if one can carry the colour or not. But yes, no matter what colour one chooses there a few key things to keep in mind.

  • One should make sure that the colour they are choosing has to be in a good condition. Healthy hair can always keep the hair colour vibrant and a good hair colour will always treat the hair gently.
  • Before colouring the hair one needs to go for a hot hair oil treatment. This should be ideally done 3 to 4 days before the colouring. This will prepare the hair strands well to take the hair colour.
  • One should avoid washing the hair right before colouring their hair because it will wash away the natural hair oils and it will not let the colour sit down well on the hair.
  • When one washes the hair they need to use a clarifying shampoo and it is a good idea to skip the conditioner.
  • Choosing the right hair colour is very important. When one is choosing the hair colour they need to know what difference it is going to make it to the hair. Check the natural hair colour one has and chooses something which is at least 2 shades lighter or darker than that and do not go more than that. This will ensure that it will keep a match to the skin tone.
  • If one wants completely different from the natural hair colour then they can go for some brighter highlights and for that it is a good idea to take a professional help as they are the experts and can recommend well.
  • If one is colouring their hair at home then one should keep in mind that the colour written on the box is not the same and one needs to follow the instructions given on the box step by step.
  • Once the colouring is done, one has to wait at least for 48 hours before washing their hair because they need to give proper time to settle down the hair colour properly.
  • One should use shampoos and conditioners which are strictly made for colour treated hair because they are designed specially to boost and care the coloured hairs only.
  • One needs to go for a deep hair conditioning hair treatment at least once a week to treat their hair well. This will keep it moisturised.

One can also choose  burgundy hair colour on black natural hair.  This is a very safe colour for your hair and skin.