Through online therapy, we help you from your familiar environment, from home or any other location. This way you still get the help you need, but you don’t have to travel to a location and you can use your time efficiently. This can be extra pleasant when you are not physically or mentally able to visit a psychologist.
Video calling treatment has proven to be just as effective as an on-site treatment. Sometimes you can also combine this, then you will see the practitioner several times in his or her practice and you will have other sessions via video calling. You discuss together what works for you with the expertise and extensive experience in online treatment, the practitioner gives you the same confidence as in the treatment room, but at a distance.
What Is Online Therapy Via Video Call?
Video calling therapy is similar to on-site therapy. What is video calling? The name says it all: this is calling while you see each other. To be able to make video calls with you, a practitioner uses a suitable and safe platform, comparable to Skype.
Therapists who provide online therapy are as competent as therapists who provide on-site therapy. Their care meets the same quality requirements. Many practitioners who provide this form of therapy also provide on-site therapy.
Is Online Therapy Safe?
Your data is protected according to the applicable privacy legislation. This way we can assure you that it is safe to follow therapy in this way.
When Is Video Calling Therapy Appropriate?
This form of treatment can help with many different complaints. For example, think of:
• Burnout complaints
• Anxiety and/or panic complaints
• Depression
• Relationship problems
• Sexual problems
• Trauma processing
• Grief processing
Just like with face-to-face treatment, your practitioner will estimate which treatment method suits your complaints and needs. Together you determine your request for help and how the treatment is further organized. This is the same as with on-site treatment. The difference is that some forms of treatment are less suitable for therapy via video calling, for example, neuro feedback. The practitioner takes this into account.
There are many other forms of treatment that are very suitable for online therapy. A treatment via video calling is therefore just as effective as a treatment on location and is largely completed in the same way.
If Video Calling Therapy Is Not For Me, Then What?
In many cases, video calling therapy is a good alternative to an on-site appointment and we recommend it. This way, there is direct contact between you and your practitioner, and the non-verbal communication that is missing during a telephone appointment can be a great advantage.
However, we understand that this is not always possible. Depending on your situation, we look for a suitable alternative. This can be a telephone appointment with a practitioner, so without an image. Or maybe you can get started with your complaints yourself. Using self- help you can work in an accessible way, from your familiar environment, to reduce your complaints. You must receive the correct treatment, regardless of your situation.
What Suits Your Situation?
Do you want to know which form of therapy best suits your situation? Or do you have questions about online therapy via video call? Please contact the referral team of any online consultations. They are happy to help you and, due to their background in psychology, can provide you with appropriate advice.
Not For All Patients
At the same time, patient associations fear that coronavirus will endanger aid for people with mental illness. In conversation with the NOS, psychologist Vera Hin says that online help is not optimal for every patient. “This works for people who are fairly independent and stable. People who are in an acute crisis need very different help. Fortunately, we can ensure that this help is still there. ”
Many psychologists say “Of course we prefer to see our clients face “. But video calling and online tools are good alternatives for many people. And always better than phoning, because with video calling, for example, I can see how someone responds. Whether someone is crying or upset.
Author bio
Jebby is the author of the Reliefseeker. She tried out lots to help the people who need medical care. Now, she created a website to spread medical knowledge. she writes on Online Therapy, telemedicine etc. she has given the review for most of the best Telehealth techniques that she tried out. She encourages her readers to share their ideas and information too about that