Do You Feel Obsessed with Distressed Hats Like Other Men? Here is Something Exciting


People love new things because their fresh smell and feel fill them with an explained sense of satisfaction every time they buy them. It is as relevant for big-ticket items like cars to smaller accessories such as a pair of shoes. You replace them once in a while with an upgraded model that is much into vogue. Nevertheless, some products shine when they’ve been through the wringer for several years. These products become gorgeous because of their antiquity. The best example of this is a bottle of wine – after many years (and sometimes decades) passing – it gets better and becomes even more enjoyable to drink.

However, wine is not the only thing that feels more special when it’s old. Vintage clothing is also increasing in popularity. Unlike new clothes, old dress often has character and a story. Delicious vintage wine or high-quality old clothing can be treasure-worthy by their value on the open market. Their age alone can be a decisive factor compared to an item purchased at modern-day retail prices, which might only last 2 or 3 years before being out of fashion. But before you conclude anything, it is critical to realize that an authentic vintage item or a distressed piece of something almost evokes the same type of nostalgia and awe in the person wearing it or onlookers. Explore mens fedora hats in a distressed straw look if you don’t believe this.

These hats enjoy more weathered and widely-used vibes than others. Hence, you can find them more unique and appealing to your taste. And the good thing is you don’t have to wait for years to boast your choice with a sense of pride. With readymade options like them, you can quickly fulfill your desire to show off something that has all the signs of aging, but those physical marks only add to their beauty and grace.

Some interesting insights about men liking vintage items

Vintage hats are not something newer hat collectors could immediately put on their heads, as they need to undergo a long process of aging to qualify to be vintage. Time is the one-factor humans cannot control, and the vintage hat market reflects this; sellers usually take years before their hats even reach that coveted “vintage” condition. How can you accelerate the process? The distressed hat trend is taking over this game, and fedora straw hats seem to be the excellent starting point. Some hat makers apply special hand techniques to give their hats an unforgettable appearance so that vintage hat lovers from the new generation don’t return empty-handed. And to remind you, it works perfectly well.

These hats can also come with impressive decorative details like a feather to make your pick outstanding. So, one doesn’t need to doubt that it is more suitable for someone not interested in putting extra effort to create the vintage or distressed appeal themselves. What’s more?

DIY tips for creating a distressed look for your fedora hat

If you’ve ever seen a longtime felt or wool fedora that’s been through the test of time, it’s likely because someone has worn it. They’ve been touching the hat as they try to put it on and take it off for years, so there’s been some wear and tear. However, this can result in a well-worn appearance that adds to a sense of class and style. The same principle applies to other felt or wool hats of different types; the grease or oil from touch will accumulate over time. Although this is the case with many products made from felt or wool and isn’t very noticeable right away, consider how long you’ll be wearing your hat before purchasing.

Since there’s not enough time to wear it a hundred times, you need a solution of primarily saline water and some oil, preferably olive. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and shake. Use it sparingly, spraying only the brim, then spread the oil using your fingers. Make sure you don’t add this solution everywhere on the hat. You have to be careful with your choice of spots, such as brim and other locations. It will make it look like you’ve worn the hat for years.

You can also experiment with your versatile fedora by creating creases. These will make your hat look aged. You only need to fold your hat in your desired way and fasten it with rubber bands. Leave it overnight and take them off the next day. The fabric will show signs of crease marks.

People who cannot take their eyes off vintage or distressed items often try these techniques with their fedora hats. But you don’t have to follow their steps in the same manner if you don’t find it comfortable. Instead, you can choose a safer and more secure way by investing in hats with distressed looks created by their sellers.