Badam Rogan oil is also recognized as Rogan Badam Shirin and Sweet Almond Oil. Badam oil has several internal and external health benefits. Badam Rogan oil is most popular for its positive effects on hair and skin. Badam oil is the best moisturizer that works so well against dry skin and scalp on regular use. There are also neurological and cardiovascular benefits have been found.
It is perfect for daily consumption because of zero cholesterol. Badam Rogan oil is rich in nutrition
like vitamins, essential omega-6 acid, andirons, oleic and Linoleic acid.
Usages of ayurvedic badam Rogan oil
Badam oil is possibly one of those amazing products that work both internally and externally to give the required health benefits. Ayurvedic badam roghan oil for all usage is given below:
Use as hair oil
The regular application of almond oil on hair has several benefits. It enhances hair growth, improves the quality of hairs, reduces hair loss and dandruff.
Use as a face moisturizer
Badam Rogan Oil is the best thing to apply on face as a night cream. It naturally moisturizes, nourishes and stimulates blood circulation on your facial skin. It helps to rejuvenate your skin making it soft and blemish-free.
Improve mental efficiency
Regular consumption of almond helps to stimulate brain functions and enhances brain productivity. It also sharpens the memory if consumed regularly.
Use as an under eye gel
It is highly recommendable to apply something chemical-free under the eye for removing dark circles. With the help of Badam Rogan oil, you can immediately prepare a chemical-free and cheapĀ under eye gel. Mix almond oil and aloe vera gel in equal quantity and you’re under eye gel is ready to apply.
Use as a natural lip care
Everyone suffers from dry lips in winter. Daily application of badam oil before going to bed makes your lip smoother and happier. The mixture of badam oil and sugar works so well as a skin exfoliator.
Use as a pimple cream
It is very annoying to have a pimple on your face. Apply the mixture of Badam Rogan oil and lemon juice on the affected area for quick healing of pimples and associated spot.
Use as cracked heels repair
Cracked heels are a very common issue but you need not spend too much money on buying expensive cream that claims for quick healing. Almond oil is very effective to make feet cracked free and smoother.
Final words
Badam Rogan oil prepares with 100% pure natural almond. It is a clinical trial and tests a non-greasy product. Here only a few usages of Ayurvedic Badam Rogan oil has mentioned. It is also found useful for many other purposes like constipation, nasal application, ear application etc. It provides a natural way to strengthens your body and mind without any side effects.
The effect of Badam Rogan oil on the different individuals can be varied. In short, it provides total health care.