Are Kitchen Chimneys Better Than Exhaust Fans?

Chimneys and Fans

Do you want to make a financially perfect choice between Kitchen Chimneys and Exhaust Fans? Then read this article ahead and know if the Kitchen Chimneys are better than the current Exhaust fans or not.

How Can The Exhaust Fan Work In The Kitchen?

While we are talking about the Exhaust Fan, think of the average ceiling fan. It works the same as the motor combined with the blades. These fans are installed in the kitchen to remove the cooking smells and other lousy odour from the entire area.

However, they are not only limited to the kitchen area. They are often installed inside bathrooms, washrooms, and any area where the smell has chances to get clogged in a particular atmosphere around the room.

So, whenever the Exhaust Fan is turned on, the motor accelerates and then sucks the air out of the targeted room. This helps in getting rid of the bad smell or any kind of fog/smog in the same place.

How does a Kitchen Chimney work?

The working of the Kitchen Chimneys is not that simple as an Exhaust Fan. These chimneys are usually of two types: Ducted and then Ductless Chimneys. If you are looking out for the best kitchen chimney in India then you should first understand how kitchen chimneys work so that you have a better understanding of them while you are buying them.

What Is A Ducted Chimney?

The air does not recirculate itself inside the Ducted Chimney. It is instead thrown out in the atmosphere, slightly similar to the way the Exhaust Fan gets rid of the bad air. These chimneys have hood, suction unit, then an operating interface, and as well as a filtration unit, all together fixated with the vent.

The motor quickly sucks the air, which passes through the filter to get rid of the oily particles, and then the same are vented out in the air outside.

How Does Ductless Kitchen Chimney Work?

The Ductless Kitchen Chimney is comparatively much easier to understand than the Ducted one. It only has the blower motor and then the filter. This filter helps to clear out the air from the dust and the oily particles from the kitchen.

The air is also recirculated inside the filters to get cleansed from the oily particles contaminating the same.

The Important Differences between Kitchen Chimneys and Exhaust Fans

The filtration process of the air

The Exhaust Fans do not really filter the air, whereas the Kitchen Chimney makes sure to purify the air and throw the oily particles out of the same. Much for the comfort, the Chimney is directed hinged over the source of the smoke, which is usually the stove.

That is necessary so that the dirty air does not spread throughout the entire kitchen area.

Better cooking environment

The Kitchen Chimney renders a better cooking environment as it does not let the air cross over the entire expanse of the Kitchen. It is possible because it is made operational over the gas station/stove directly.

That is not the case with the Exhaust Fan. This fan is usually not kept directly in the kitchen area. It takes time for the air to get out of the house from the Exhaust Fan. So, the cooking experience can be hampered as the smoke gets around all the corners of the kitchen.

The affordability

Exhaust Fans are usually more cost-friendly than the Kitchen Chimneys. But, simultaneously, you should not forget the backdrops of the Exhaust Fans that we are discussing throughout.

Check of reliability

It is often found that the Exhaust Fans are not that reliable as far as the filtration of the air that has been dirty or polluted. In fact, it creates more pressure on the environment while giving out the air that is already contaminated.

That’s not the case with the Kitchen Chimneys. They are made to filter out the air before throwing it back in the atmosphere outside.


Throughout the article, you should note that the Exhaust Fans might be easy to install, use, or even maintain because of the low cost. But we should not forget that the Kitchen Chimneys are more reliable, effective, and help better in cleaning the environment inside as well as outside the Kitchen. If you are looking best kitchen chimney in India then check out each chimney review and their specifications.


Author Bio:

J Dinesh writes for Best Indian Products helps consumers in India to choose the best products available in the market. By doing in-depth reviews on products related to homecare, kitchen, technology, bikes etc. which help their users to make their decisions wisely before purchasing any products.