Root Canal Treatment & Pains That You Should Know


Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatments happen when the nerve and tissue inside the tooth become infected because of dental decay, cracks, or other problems. When this happens, bacteria and other germs may enter the tooth and infect the root canal. If left untreated, this can lead to a potentially dangerous infection throughout your body.

How Much Does it Pain

You may experience some pain when you have a root canal treatment. It’s important to understand that when your dentist performs the procedure, he or she will likely numb your tooth and surrounding area with a local anesthetic in order to minimize any discomfort. However, it is possible that there may be some pain following this process.

Most people report feeling no more than mild discomfort after their procedure, but in rare cases, it can feel like moderate or severe pain. If you are experiencing intense or long-term pain following a root canal treatment, speak with your dentist about what might be causing this so he or she can help alleviate your suffering.

Keep these tips in mind for how to take care of yourself at home after having a root canal:

  • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Ensuring that your teeth and gums are receiving proper nutrition is essential to their health. You can help strengthen your teeth and gums by making sure you eat the right foods.
  • Stay hydrated. Drinking lots of fluids will ensure that your mouth doesn’t become dry while it heals.
  • Rinse with saltwater. Use a mixture of one teaspoon of salt and half a cup of warm water to rinse your mouth two or three times daily. This will help clean your gums and teeth, reduce swelling and fight infection.

What Should I Do If I Suspect that I Have Root Canal Symptoms?

Failing to see a dentist when experiencing such symptoms will only cause more significant problems later on. If you feel that your tooth pain is severe, the cause may already be too far gone for home remedies to effectively manage it. You will need to seek care quickly in order to prevent further damage and discomfort both now and in the future.

How does someone know if they need a root canal treatment?

If you have tooth pain or other symptoms such as swelling in the gums or face, this will be a sign that you may need a root canal treatment. Your dentist can perform an examination to determine whether this is the case. Be sure to tell your dentist what kinds of symptoms you are experiencing so they can determine which tooth is causing the problem.

When Should I Seek Help?

A root canal may be needed when you feel persistent pain in your tooth, throbbing pain in the jaw, or new sensitivity to hot and cold. Some of the tripping factors for this procedure include extreme pressure issues with teeth grinding or clenching; cracks or fractures; gum disease; and tartar buildup. It is important not to ignore these symptoms because if left untreated, they can potentially lead to a dangerous infection throughout the body. Early treatment will help prevent any progression of these symptoms and ultimately save you from more intensive procedures down the line.

What are some dangers that could happen if you don’t have a root canal treatment?

If you don’t have a root canal treatment when it becomes necessary, there are several serious health risks that you could experience. These include developing an oral abscess, which is when pus collects in your mouth because of an infection within the tooth or gums. A dental abscess in these cases can be very painful and requires prompt treatment. It could even lead to life-threatening heart or brain infections if not treated in time.

What are some benefits of having a root canal treatment?

If you have a tooth that has become infected but is not yet severely damaged then it may be possible for your dentist to perform a root canal treatment on the tooth to remove the infected tissue. Afterwards they can fill or cover the tooth so it retains its normal shape and structure. It will also be resistant to bacteria and other germs, which means you will avoid infections in the future. Root canal treatments are often considered more preferable than having a tooth taken out because your natural teeth are very important for chewing, appearance, and to help retain the shape of your face.

Do some people have more pain after the root canal treatment than others?

Some patients report feeling more pain following a root canal treatment, but there is no way of knowing who might have this experience. In most cases, the pain should only last a few days at most. If you are concerned about experiencing severe or long-term pain following your treatment, be sure to discuss this with your dentist so he or she can take measures to help reduce your discomfort.

How many root canal treatments does someone typically need?

The number of root canal treatments you might need depends on the individual tooth and how badly it is affected. Sometimes one single treatment can eliminate the problem, but usually, your dentist will advise having a treatment every few months until all the infected tissue has been removed or treated. This often varies from two or three times to even four or five times, depending on how far the infection has gone into the tooth.

Are root canal treatments expensive?

The cost of a root canal treatment depends on many factors like the number of treatments you may need, which tooth is affected, and your dentist’s fee for performing the procedure. The average cost ranges between 6000 to Rs. 8000 per tooth.

Do some root canal treatments last longer than others?

The length of time you need to have a root canal treatment will depend on whether the infection has gone through the outer layers of your tooth and is affecting more tissue inside the root canal system where the nerve is located. This is why it’s important for your dentist to be able to determine what is causing your discomfort and pain because the length of time you will need the treatment varies.

Will I require any follow-up treatments after having a root canal?”

Depending on many factors like how long ago you had the root canal treatment performed, if all of the infection was removed, and if you have any other factors that might cause you to be more susceptible to infections, your dentist might recommend additional follow-up appointments.

Will I need a crown for my tooth after having a root canal?

If the tooth has been weakened as a result of the infection or trauma, it is possible that your dentist would recommend a crown for your tooth.

Author Bio:

Dr Ruchi is a chief doctor in Dr.Ruchi’s Dental Clinic in Coimbatore she is a specialist in the field of Orthodontics and Dentofacial orthopaedics. She is a gold medalist in college and dentistry is more a passion for her than just work. She has also received a fellowship in Aesthetic dentistry (FAD) from Germany, Griefswald University and ensures that she is one step ahead in terms of adopting new technology and methods in the industry.