If you are a person who likes to collect currencies from around the world, you certainly wouldn’t be alone, as many people like to collect cash from different parts of the world. Any form of currency has a certain amount of value, which would appreciate if it is part of a collection, and if you are looking for safe places to store your foreign currencies, here are a few ideas.
- A Special Bank Account – It is possible to keep some currencies in a special bank account, although you would need one account for every form of currency, and if you are a collector of banknotes, this isn’t really practical. While you would get a small amount of interest, there are no bank accounts where you can deposit more than one currency, which doesn’t really meet your needs.
- Safety Deposit Box – If you use services such as the ARA Vaults Safety Deposit Box service in Sydney, your currency will always be secure, and with a double key system, the only way the box can be opened is when you and a vault officer use your keys simultaneously. There are numerous sizes, which allows you to choose a suitable box that can also contain your important documents, such as passport and land title deeds.
- A Concealed Safe – You could have a concealed safe installed in your home, which would be a great place to store currencies and other valuable items, although in the event of a fire, it is doubtful that the contents would survive. This is the main reason why most people prefer to rent a concealed safe at an established vault, which is probably the most secure storage of all. If, for example, you were to forget the combination of the safe, then you would have a real problem recovering the contents.
- Bury your Currency in the Garden – Some people actually do bury their valuables in their back garden, as they mistakenly think it is safe. You could forget where you buried the box, not to mention the risk of fire and flooding, and if something were to happen to you, no one would ever know where you kept your assets.
- In a Drawer in your Study – This might seem safe enough, and generally speaking, your money is not likely to disappear, yet a fire would be disastrous, and should a burglar decide to pay you a visit, they would probably find the money.
Of all the methods listed above, renting a safety deposit box is by far the safest way to store your valuables, and you can access them at any time during regular business hours. If you would like to make contact with a nearby secure facility, an online search is the easiest way to locate a specialist company where you can deposit anything of real value. It isn’t only currency you can keep in a safety deposit box as valuable jewellery, gold and other precious items can all safely be stored in a safety deposit box.