Homeowners put little thought into the way our waste water is handled and the costs behind it. You have two options these days- septic or sewer system. Many cities have a public sewer system requiring the homeowners to pay their water and sewer bill monthly every year. All that money adds up. There’s also the negative effects on the environment. If you don’t have a public sewer system, then you most likely have a septic system. Septic systems are more cost effective and environment friendly.
Septic System
A septic system is an underground device that treats your wastewater. Think about the water we use in our sinks, toilets, and drains. All this water will need to be processed underground in a septic tank. This septic system uses bacteria to do all the work in a Eco friendly way. The bacteria break down our waste and once near full will need to be emptied. It takes several years to reach the point to where you need to do that.
Let’s talk about the Benefits
A septic system gives the homeowner the ability to control their own sewage and save money they would have spent on their public sewer system. Cost is always an issue this day in age, and it is no different when you look at homes with and without a septic system. When you live at a location with a public sewer system you will continuously pay anywhere from twenty-five to eighty dollars or more on sewage every month and year after year. That’s money you save if you have a septic system. You don’t owe a sewage bill, because you take care of your own shit, literally. Septic systems offer low maintenance and only require septic pumping every three to five years. That’s it! When you look at all costs involved, owning a home with a septic tank will save you money in the long run.
After considering all the dollar signs you’ll be saving, how about our environment? Our public sewage systems drop all wastewater gathered from our neighborhoods and reach a treatment plant. At that treatment plant, it merely reduces all the waste we create leaving much hanging around. Unfortunately, water sent to those treatment plants will be sent straight to the our waterways and right back to the ocean, lakes, and rivers we swim in. That’s why we have seen such an significant increase in waste and bacteria found in those waters. That waste is contaminating our waters gradually more and more every year. This affects marine life as well as humans. Think about all the reports of people getting sick after swimming, fishing, or boating. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say another cause of this contamination is from discharges of raw sewage from our municipal sanitary sewers. That means before the water hits the treatment plant it reaches the ocean in some instances. That’s not the kind of water I want to be in.
If you have a septic system, the bacteria in your septic tank will actually break down all your waste. They finish the job unlike a treatment plant. There is nothing to contaminate nearby waters when you have a septic tank. The contaminated waters end if everyone had a septic tank system. When homeowners are given a choice or building new homes, they should consider an option that will not only save them money but will also save the planet.
Author Bio:
Jennifer Budge is multi-talented partner with Absolutely Elite llc and content writer and manager speaking the truth for https://charlottesepticservices.com/