Got a travel trip coming up? That’s exciting and a great breather from work and other stresses in your life as of the moment. Though planning the itinerary and looking for a popping hotel accommodation are exciting, chances are you’re dreading one part of traveling every single time—the packing.
It’s either you’re packing more than you need or not enough. Oh, and last minute packing won’t help you get your things and mind organized. Whether you’re thinking of traveling with a luggage or just a carry-on, the latter is an essential part of your travel journey. So you ought to know what to pack in there.
Regardless if your flight is just an hour away or five; or if it’s a weekender or 4-day trip, here are all the essentials you should never forget to pack in your carry-on:
All documents you need for the trip
This is a no-brainer. Keep every single document you will and might need for the trip for easy access. This includes your passport, flight tickets, itinerary, invitations (if any), and the works. It wouldn’t be practical to keep these in your luggage bag, would it?
Your valuables
Keep all your gadgets (laptop, smartphone, etc.), jewelry, wallet, camera, and other expensive valuables with you at all times. You may feel safe with your camera packed carefully in your luggage, but incidents of theft still do happen and we want to avoid that whenever we can. If you can’t afford to lose it, keep it close to you for the rest of your journey.
Do you have any medications you need to take around the clock? If you do, then these counts as essentials and need to get packed in your carry-on. What if the airline loses your luggage and in that are your meds? You’d be in a conundrum then. So it is better to keep these n your carry-on in case such problems arise.
A set of extra clothes
We’ll never know what could happen but surely you’ve heard of lost luggage cases, right? It’s never a bad idea to be prepared for the worst. And this is actually a reasonable excuse for overpacking a set of clothes.
Keep a set of clothes that are comfortable and light enough to wear and pack in your carry-on. If ever you lose your luggage, at least you have something to change with. If in any case you spill a drink on your shirt, you have an extra to freshen up.
A snack
A bag of snacks can be an amazing company on board. Airplane food may not be your taste and snacks at the airport can be quite costly, so it’s only reasonable to bring your own pre-board meal and snacks there. Just make sure that they’re non-liquid and can go through security.
Whether you’re on a trip for luxury or business, packing can be quite a puzzle. Know what the essentials you need to keep in your carry-on luggage for a swift and better travel. Don’t forget to check your airline’s carry-on luggage restrictions for a guide.
Any other carry-on essentials you’d like to suggest? Share your thoughts with us!
About the author: Chie sails from Parramatta. You can find her writing for Holiday Inn Parramatta Accommodation in her downtime, the perfect hotel choice to stay in for both business or leisure.