5 Tips for Moving Home with Children

Moving house

Life can be confusing enough for a child without the added upset of moving home. Taking a child away from a familiar place and telling them they have a new home can be surprisingly challenging for even the most confident parents. Take a look at these five tips for ways to help your kids prepare for a new start in a new home.

Don’t Disguise the Facts

Children are much more perceptive and aware of surrounding events than many adults give them credit for. This means that trying to disguise the truth about your move will only cause your children greater distress in the long run. Answer their questions about the move as honestly as possible so they feel well-informed. Keeping them in the dark only adds to the unsettling sense of mystery and unease that makes moving home scarier than it needs to be.

Simply the Selling Process

Trying to sell your current property is hard enough without managing kids at the same time. Juggling all the different tasks that are required when putting a property on the market while keeping your children happy is a challenge, but it is possible. Reach out to professionals who can advise your next steps and take your time so the selling process goes smoothly. For example, making sure that you price your property appropriately with a house valuation will ensure that you don’texpect too much or too little from your sale. This is just one process that makes up the confusing and intimidating challenge of selling a home.The firmer your understanding of the full process, the easier it will be for both you and your family.

Get Them Involved in the Preparations and Decorating

If your child is old enough, ask for their help when packing up your home for the move. When they feel that they are contributing, they are distracted from feelings of trepidation and are more likely to feel excited about their new home. Similarly, once you have arrived in your new place, keep your children involved with decorating and design decisions, especially in their bedrooms.

Preserve Routines

Keeping your kids’ existing routines is essential for maintaining peace throughout the moving process. Even if packing or planning takes up all your time, make sure that you still stick to predictable habits when your children are concerned. This applies to before and after moving into your new home.

Unpack Their Belongings First

Setting up your child in an unfamiliar space will leave them feeling unsure and out of place. To combat this, unpack their belongings first so they can feel more at home right away. Label their possessions clearly and let them play and explore while you unpack less interesting boxes.

Moving home with a young family demands thoughtful and thorough planning as well as patience for when something goes wrong. By being honest, understanding the process, and getting them involved, you can help your family feel more comfortable with the idea of moving. Maintaining usual routines and creating a sense of familiarity will help your kids feel settled sooner so you can all enjoy your new home together.