As a member of the mint family, Holy basil is closely related to the sweet basil, the one that we are regularly using in cooking our favorite dishes. It can be found in the tropical parts of the world, and although it has been growing in India for more than 3.000 years, in the US it’s getting popular in the last few years.
The plant is a powerful antioxidant and has antibacterial properties. It is also anti-inflammatory and antifungal. Because of these attributes, in the past it was used for treating many health conditions, like colds, bronchitis, fevers, ulcers and much more.
In the past few years, modern science has been taking this plan really seriously. There have been several big studies in the past decade which were focusing on the benefits and positive effects from the holy basil. All studies have shown that the greatest benefits from this plant are stress relief and relaxation.
Stress relief
In this crazy, super-fast way of living, stress is becoming a normal thing, but it shouldn’t be like that. When we are constantly under stress, our body is increasing the levels of cortisol and corticosterone, our appetite is increasing thus causing weight gain, the digestive system is not functioning right, we are getting nervous which can lead to anxiety so at the end our immune system starts falling apart.
That is where the holy basil does its job. This magical plant is enhancing the response to physical and emotional stress and helps the body to function optimally during the period of stress. The plant lowers the levels of corticosterone making the mind function more clearly and improves the long-term memory.
Acne cleanser
Holy basil essential oils are great in the fight against acne. The primary compound of holy basil is the eugenol, which is widely used to cure skin disorders.
Because of its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting attributes, the holy basil protects the body from many diseases, and it has been shown that people who are regularly consuming this plant are less likely to develop cancer cells. Also, it has been shown not only that it protects the body from these cells to be created, but it also protects the body from the dangerous cancer treatments, if you already suffer from it.
Weight Loss
As we have mentioned earlier in this article, the stress relieving properties of the holy basil can reduce the tendency of the consumer to eat or snack all the time. In the Ayurveda medicine, holy basil was used to coordinate the mind to our senses, which is important in order to make intelligent decisions regarding ourselves, especially when it comes to food.
Natural diabetes remedy
The holy basil has many properties that control the blood glucose and that is why it is widely known as a natural diabetes remedy. There are many studies that confirm this theory, so if you want to find out more you can find the latest one in the Journal of Pharmacy & Bioallied Sciences.
Author Bio: Viktor is a big enthusiast and the most laid-back member of the Fashion Corner team, who loves writing articles with his legs up on the writing table. In his previous life, he must have been a stand-up comedian or maybe a great chef in Italy. At this point, you may be wondering why he is part of a blog team. Well, because all of these personal traits make him an amazingly creative journalist who can write nearly on every possible subject there is, including women’s fashion and beauty routines.