4 Circumstances Where It’s Okay To Splurge When Traveling


As a budget traveler who does everything to save as much as you can in every adventure on the way, it can be pretty limiting at times especially when you’ve reached a point where you’re sacrificing comfort and security over cheap deals.

Your journey and overall travel experience should be memorable. Yes, there’s no need to check-in at a 5-star hotel every time you fly to a new destination, however, sometimes it’s okay to treat yourself to a private hotel room instead of a shared space in a hostel.

If you have enough money or more and you really want to treat yourself to a good restaurant, nice hotel accommodation, or a buy yourself a new travel gear, don’t hesitate to reward yourself. If you find yourself with extra cash and you feel like treating yourself, here are some good splurges to ponder on that is worth every penny:

For a comfortable and premium hotel accommodation

Not that cheap hotels, hostels, and any other type of accommodation is less comfortable than premium hotels, but not all are. Plus, there will be a time where you’ll experience a budget accommodation fatigue and yearn for a private room—no stranger roommates or icky shared bathroom experiences.

Premium hotels offer safety and security, convenience, and comfort some of which aren’t provided by other types of accommodation. Surely. You’ve wanted to feel like royalty in one of your travel journeys and there’s no shame in wanting to stay at a nice hotel after booking in cheap rooms beforehand (you get what you pay for). It’s also a nice feeling to have complete amenities in one place when you travel.

For a delightful meal

Whether you’re on your journey to the Philippines or Australia, it’s never a bad idea to treat yourself to one nice meal before you leave the place after your short trip. You can find cheap foods but dine out can cost you a lot. But if it means chugging a mug of beer in Australia (they have great beers), you’re paying for the experience you wouldn’t otherwise have if you skimp on everything.

For fun and memorable activities

Don’t you want to try other activities that the same old museum hopping and city tours? You’re already by the beach, go for the opportunity and try parasailing or jet skiing. There will be some activities you can cut corners with while there are others you’ll have to splurge on to experience it. Look out for deals and discounts so even if the activity you want to sign up for is expensive, you get to still have a few dollars. That’s a huge help for a budget traveler like yourself.

For the experience

When you’re traveling, know when and where to pay for the experience and which you can skimp on. Depriving yourself of small treats you well deserve can pull back your travel experience. If you want a cup of coffee, by all means, buy yourself one and enjoy the view of the Eiffel Tower. Or indulge in a succulent meal with a lake view.

Of course, it’s important to keep these “treat yourself” rewards in moderation to balance everything out. If you want to splurge on a nice hotel accommodation, find cheap tours, airfare, and opt for affordable meals. Mind your budget limit, if you get a huge extra left, that’s when you can treat yourself.

When was the last time you splurge while traveling? Share your well-deserved “treat yourself” stories with us!


About the author: An adventurer at heart, Chie Suarez aims to finish her travel bucket list before she hits 40. For the meantime, she writes for Holiday Inn Parramatta Accommodation—stay and experience the historical part of Sydney whether for business or leisure.